Amy Suha Kuttab


I'm Still A Big Bird In a Foreign Land show at Warner Pacific University

Amy Kuttab

I was honored to have a chance to exhibit some of the pages and chapter break paintings from the graphic novel I’m working on with my dad. The graphic novel is an exploration of my father’s life growing up in Palestine, and my life growing up in the United States. The show was at Warner Pacific University on April 18th, 2019. I was excited and so fortunate to receive a project grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council which was a great help.

One of the most special parts of the event was unexpected. A poet I had met only very briefly in the weeks leading up to the event who writes for and sells Street Roots newspaper, read a poem for us that he composed at the show. What a gift to receive! I so appreciated that he shared his personal reaction via poetry with the group in that space during the question and answer section of my short artist talk. The group seemed to appreciate it too, and there was a spirit of openness and conversation as we all said goodbye for the evening.

BBH_warnerStreet Roots Poem.JPG